Solar Power Savings in 2020
Are you going to be in your home for another generation? Did you know that you can save more than $100,000 in electric bills over that timespan? Solar panel installation can do that for you.
Even if you think you might be selling your home at some point along the way, a good installation of solar panels can boost your home value by several percentage points. Given how an average solar installation cost in this part of Arizona is approximately $12,000, your own installation can pay for itself just in the higher property value, much less the potential $100,000 in free electricity and power over the years.
If you’re interested in learning about taking advantage of any of this, then call or contact us. As one of the area’s solar power companies, we have expertise in residential and commercial solar installations, and we’ll happily give you quotes for off-grid systems, home systems, commercial systems, and so much more. Your quote is free and carries no obligation with it, and we serve the greater Phoenix area. We’ll help you discover all the possible solar tax credits and rebates to help finance your installation. Start your solar installation at the area’s most affordable price points with little to no money down.
Through your solar power quote or our online solar power calculator, you can find out how big of a system you need, the number of panels necessary, the overall cost, and your estimated monthly payments.
Enjoy a lower utility bill the very first day after your system is installed. Schedule a free energy audit for your home or business to see if solar is a good way for you to go.
We are specialists in upgrading homes and businesses like yours so you can save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. There are other solar companies across the valley, but many are selling systems that cost more than they should. Unfortunately, some of those systems don’t even do what solar technology should, which is providing you with abundant energy that is as clean as it is cheap. Arizona has more sunlight hours than nearly any other state, so the benefits of a solar power installation are at their highest potential here. We know how much you likely run your AC during the summers here, and solar power can put a pretty dent in those power bills. Other months, it might even eliminate them.
If another business wants to offer you a $40,000 solar system that reduces your power bill by a third, we can probably do it for $10,000 cheaper and cut your power bill in half. That’s why we offer free quotes because we know how well our numbers stack up against other solar power companies in the area. Pardon the pun, but we believe ourselves to be the bright spot in the local industry.
Solar panels on your roof won’t just help power your air conditioning, as they will also lower your home’s demand for AC. Think about it. Rather than all that sunlight beating on the top of your home, heating it up, it will instead be absorbed by the panels.
The result is a far more uniform temperature throughout your home, and it’s going to be a lower one at that. The money savings continue even farther, because your AC unit will run possibly twice as long before it needs to be replaced, and even your roof will last longer since something is covering it.
Depending on your home and the scale of upgrades we do, we can cut your power costs anywhere from a quarter to where you pay almost nothing at all.
Many home and business owners have the intention of looking into solar someday, and the wait-and-see attitude was a good call for many years. The technology necessary for financial feasibility at a residential or single-structure scale simply wasn’t there. However, that time has passed, especially with the amount of sun we’re blessed with in the valley. Now is a great time to go solar, because energy prices are expected to go up over the coming two decades. Also, the Federal Investment Tax Credit that makes solar panels so affordable right now is starting to decline. It already dropped from 30 percent to 26 at the start of 2020, and it will drop again to 22 percent at the start of 2021. Now is the time to lock in tax breaks that may never come back and lock in seriously good electricity rates.
The average cost for a 6 kilowatt-system in the Phoenix market is approximately $18,000. Various factors can push that number up or down by just a few thousand dollars, but remember that this average cost is before and rebates and solar tax credits are applied.
The current federal tax credit is 26 percent. There is also a $1,000 state credit from the government of Arizona. Depending on whether you pay cash or finance your system, this can put your final price tag at around $15,900 or $12,500 respectively.
Remember, the federal tax credit drops again when 2021 starts, and it might go down to 10 percent when 2022 starts. We use the 6kW average here for good reason. The typical Phoenix residence uses just under 1,100 kWh each month, and it’s a 6kW solar installation that would generate a matching level of power to fully offset the average consumption of electricity. Keep in mind that your own costs might differ based on your own family’s power use throughout the year. Most of our customers see their systems payback for themselves in just 7 years. After that, they provide free electricity as long as they keep operating, which can be a decade or more after they’ve paid for themselves.
Solar Power Financing Possibilities
We offer a variety of financing possibilities so you can choose how to pay off your installation costs. We work with a number of highly-rated industry lenders, each offering their own rates, terms, and conditions. We also make sure that every possible rebate or incentive is applied to your home or business.
Call us at 602-641-4955 or contact us through our website to get your free energy audit and solar panel quote. Let us show you what modern technology can do for your residence or company.
Solar Energy Benefits
The right solar systems have plenty of benefits. Here are the top ones you should know:
Lower Power Bills: A solar power installation can seriously cut down on your power bills. Sometimes, they’ll even totally eliminate them. When you have natural power generation on your property that works whenever the sun is out, you lessen your dependence on local utilities. That means you get smaller bills and possibly even fewer bills. Given how one of our systems, well-maintained, can last 25 up to 35 years, that’s a lot of low utility bills for you in the coming decades.
Better Home Value: Millions, if not tens of millions, of American homeowners are intrigued by the idea of solar panels, and yet they haven’t put in any time to ascertain what’s involved in installing them for their own home. As we mentioned earlier, a full solar panel installation on your home can increase your home value by 2 to 3 percent, given how many buyers are looking for this particular feature. That might not sound like a lot of percentage points, but given the average home price across the Phoenix market, it can easily mean $15,000, which can usually pay for a system and then some. This is the other way solar power can pay for itself.
Lead By Example: Becoming energy-autonomous, even on the scale of one building or home, moves America closer to energy independence. It also helps the entire global environment with fewer carbon emissions. Set a great example for your kids, inspire your whole neighborhood with a new standard, and make your employees proud to work in a place using solar panels. They’re sure to mention to others, and quite a lot, that your business is ahead of the curve. You’ll retain and attract more talent, and consumers will be proud to support you more than ever.
Frequently Asked Questions About Solar Power Installations
Below are some questions we commonly get asked about solar panel installations. If they don’t give you the answers you’re looking for, feel free to contact our solar advisors for more information.
What Kind Of Solar Panels Does My Home Or Business Need?
That’s hard to say without a solar audit, which is why we offer them free as part of our obligation-free quote process. Our professional solar engineers and designers can visit your house or facility. They’ll take the necessary measurements to ascertain whether or not solar panels can work for you.
How Do Solar Panels Work?
Most solar panels are photovoltaic, or PV. They absorb the energy of the sun all day long and turn it into DC, or direct current, electricity. This goes through an inverter that converts it into the alternating current or AC electricity most of America runs on.
Do Solar Panels Work When There’s No Sunlight?
It depends on what you mean by ‘no sunlight’. If you mean it’s cloudy, there is still technically light coming through, so yes, the panels still produce power, albeit at a lower volume. If you mean it’s night-time, then no, there’s no power produced.
What Happens If Snow Covers The Panels?
Snow cover will prevent panels from producing electricity. However, most panels are tilted at angles that make snow just slide right off. When snow does accumulate, panels are typically pretty easy to clean. Actual accumulations of snow that could impact panels have historically been rare in Phoenix. However, as climate change makes winters weirder, it could be a possibility. Also, metropolitan growth into higher-elevation areas might face more snow than lower parts of the area. Anyone above 2,000 feet, especially in the north valley area, is likely to get more snow than the rest of us.
So Solar Panels Work In Blackouts?
It depends on whether or not your system is connected to the grid. If it isn’t, it should still run. If it is connected, then it will be shut off during blackouts. This is done to prevent repair technicians and emergency responders from getting injured because your panels are putting juice into the grid.
Do Solar Panels Mean I’m Off The Grid?
Only if you choose to go the distance. If you want to do this, you have to have battery storage added to your system so you have power available at night or on really cloudy days. Most of our clients choose to stay plugged into the grid and still draw power off of it when their solar systems aren’t generating enough to power up their whole home. They still have utility bills their neighbors would be very envious of, and they probably are.